Friday, December 7, 2012

Stres Bikin Sulit Hamil

Banyak pasangan suami istri yang telah lama menikah tapi tidak kunjung mendapatkan anak. Penyebabnya bermacam-macam salah satunya adalah karena stress. Tekanan hidup atau kerjaan di kantor yang tidak selesai-selesai membuat pikiran stres yang berdampak pada fisik, bisa menyebabkan sakit dan bisa juga sulit hamil.

Seperti kita ketahui bahwa agar bisa hamil seorang wanita harus secara fisik dan psikis. Stres menyebabkan hormon tubuh tidak bekerja maksimal menyebabkan sel telur tidak diproduksi secara dengan baik. Begitu pula masa ovulasi kadang terganggu akibat stres.

Bukan hanya wanita, pria yang stres karena pekerjaan kadang memiliki kualitas sperma yang buruk menyebabkan sel sperma tidak cukup kuat untuk berenang di tuba fallopi untuk membuahi sel telur.

Kesimpulannya, baik pria dan wanita harus menjaga kesehatan fisik maupun psikis, sebab kondisi mental yang stres akan membuat wanita sulit hamil

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cara Menjalani Kehamilan Pertama

Selamat, setelah menunggu beberapa bulan akhirnya oleh dokter anda dinyatakan positif hamil. Ciri-ciri kehamilan sudah anda alami beberapa minggu yang lalu. Tentu saja anda akan merasa senang bercampur cemas.

Senang karena impian anda bersama suami untuk mendapatkan anak akhirnya tercapai. Cemas karena ini adalah kehamilan anda yang pertama.

Wajar jika anda merasa sedikit nervous tapi yang paling penting adalah anda harus menyikapi kondisi anda dengan wajar.

Berikut ini tiga hal yang sebaiknya anda lakukan untuk menghadapi kehamilan pertama:

1. Komunikasi
Mulailah dengan suami anda, ajak dia bicara tentang kehamilan anda. Anda berdua kemungkinan akan sangat existing dan grogi tapi mulailah berdiskusi hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan si bayi. Ajak juga orang tua dan saudara anda berdiskusi sehingga kondisi kehamilan anda akan diketahui seluruh keluarga.

2. Cari informasi sebanyak-banyaknya
Sebagai kehamilan pertama anda tentu belum punya pengalaman Karena itu anda perlu mencari informasi sebanyak-banyaknya bagaimana menjalani kehamilan dan bagaimana agar kondisi tubuh tetap sehat.

3. Sugesti
Ketika menghadapi kehamilan kondisi tubuh anda akan berubah, demikian juga kondisi psikologis anda. Karena itu anda butuh sugesti terutama dari suami dan keluarga. Sugesti ini akan menguatkan mental anda dan membuat tubuh anda dan bayi tetap sehat.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Waktu Terbaik Bercinta Supaya Cepat Hamil

Jam 4 sore biasanya suami masih di kantor dan istri sudah di rumah dan biasanya sedang beristirahat.

Jam 4 sore adalah waktu terbaik bagi sistem reproduksi wanita. Sementara itu, kualitas sperma yang dihasilkan pria pada jam 4 sore sangat bagus dan merupakan kualitas yang terbaik.

Dokter biasanya menyarankan pasangan suami istri yang menginginkan kehamilan untuk berhubungan seks pada jam 4 sore. Sehingga waktu terbaik untuk bercinta supaya istri cepat hamil adalah jam 4 sore.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ciri-Ciri Wanita Tidak Subur

Kesuburan adalah hal yang sangat penting karena berhubungan dengan fungsi reproduksi. Bagi banyak pasangan suami istri yang telah menikah bertahun-tahun tapi tidak juga hamil dan melahirkan anak, maka biasanya ada masalah dalam fungsi reproduksi suami atau istri atau bahkan keduanya. Masalah tersebut disebut infertilitas atau tidak subur, dalam bahasa sehari-hari disebut mandul.

Pada wanita, ciri-ciri tidak subur secara umum dapat terlihat dari beberapa tanda, misalnya siklus menstruasi yang tidak lancar atau bahkan haid yang berhenti sama sekali. Menstruasi berkaitan dengan masa ovulasi atau pembuahan, atau biasa juga disebut masa subur yaitu masa dimana sel telur dihasilkan dan menuju rahim untuk menunggu sel sperma datang. Jika pembuahan tidak terjadi, maka sel telur akan melebur dan keluar dari vagina sebagai darah haid.

Ciri-ciri lain wanita tidak subur adalah berat badan tidak ideal, terlalu gemuk atau terlalu kurus. Badan yang terlalu gemuk penuh dengan lemak menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan hormon dalam tubuh. Hal yang sama terjadi pada wanita berbadan sangat kurus. Tubuh akan menghemat energi yang dikeluarkan sehingga sistem reproduksi tidak akan menghasilkan hormon yang dibutuhkan agar ovulasi terjadi normal.

Stres atau hidup dalam tekanan adalah ciri lain mengapa seorang wanita tidak subur. Stres menyebabkan tubuh memproduksi hormon yang dapat menghentikan ovulasi. Proses ini adalah mekanisme normal tubuh agar bisa survive.

Demikian beberapa ciri mengapa seorang wanita tidak subur sehingga sulit hamil. Kesimpulannya, kondisi tubuh harus berada dalam keadaan sehat agar sistem dan hormon bekerja normal dan kehamilan dapat terjadi.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Signs of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a happy moment awaited by all partners, especially for newly married couples. Therefore, knowing the early signs of pregnancy is very important to you. Because if you know the characteristic early sign of pregnancy or pregnant women, you can be more careful in keep your health.

There are many ways to find early signs of pregnancy. And the husband should be more responsive to early symptoms of pregnancy. Because the husband must keep his pregnant wife with more caution.

Pregnancy can only be definitively diagnosed by a doctor. Nevertheless, there are some physical characteristics in women which is a sign that she is pregnant. Let's see one by one the signs of early pregnancy a woman.

1. No longer getting your period or periods in the current month
Therefore, the first day of menstruation every month come to be known in order to gestational age and estimated time of childbirth can be known. However, keep in the know that menstruation is not the right time can also be caused by other things.

2. Nausea and vomiting
Nausea and vomiting occur because of hormonal changes in the body. This phenomenon is referred to as "morning sickness" because of nausea and vomiting usually occurs in the morning in the first months of pregnancy.

3. Frequent urination
The enlarged uterus makes bladder pressure causes increased desire to urinate. This complaints urinate will usually be reduced after 12 weeks of gestation and comes back after entering the 28 weeks of gestation.

4. Crave
In the first month of pregnancy, pregnant women usually want certain foods. This happened in the first months of pregnancy.

5. Flatulence
Hormonal changes during early pregnancy can cause your stomach feels bloated, just like when we would get a period.

6. The more sensitive to odors
At the beginning of pregnancy, women usually become very sensitive to smells. Sometimes the smell of coffee or a certain cooking smells can make stomach queasy and want to vomit. This is probably caused by increased levels of the hormone estrogen in the body.

7. Tired
Feeling tired and fatigued throughout the day. Not yet known exactly what causes it, but the possibility of drowsiness is due to increased levels of the hormone progesterone.

In the second trimester, usually the body is more energetic again, though usually this tiredness will come again at the end of pregnancy, this is because the body burden is quite heavy and discomfort caused by pregnancy so often can not sleep comfortably at night .

Signs and other features that commonly arise in pregnant women is the breast enlargement, breast nipples enlarged and dark sometimes feels very itchy and sore.

Every woman has a pregnancy signs vary and usually differ from each other. There are heavy and some are even not have any complaints at all. When the physicalsigns of pregnancy has not been seen, then you should do another test.

The most often used is the doctor for a pregnancy test by urine tests. Urine pregnancy test you can do this yourself by purchasing test equipment at dispensaries and test your urine at home.

Urine pregnancy test is done by measuring the levels of HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin). HGC is a hormone produced by the placenta and the amount will increase in the urine and blood during the first week after conception.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How to Face First Pregnancy

Congratulations Yes, what you been waiting for since the wedding finally arrived. Yes, now you have tested positive for pregnancy and 9 months ahead you will gain many new experiences during your first pregnancy.

Happy, relieved, grateful and of course the feeling of worry. So roughly that you will feel when experiencing your first pregnancy. Surely you are not alone, almost all expectant mothers are also experiencing the same feelings. Glad mixed with feelings of worry.

But never mind, it is reasonable really. Since the first pregnancy experience had never felt so of course there will be many questions: why is this? is this normal? whether it should or not?

So that you can go through periods of your first pregnancy with a feeling of optimism, here are three tips on how to face your first pregnancy.

1. Communication
Discuss all things related to your first pregnancy with those closest: husband, parents, friends and obstetricians.

Due to the uncontrolled influence of hormones, emotions of a pregnant woman usually becomes irregular. You may be irritable or crying for no reason.

Share your feelings with your family so they can better understand and keep your feelings. Remember you know, a sense of sadness that will continue to impact on the mental condition of the child later.

2. Information
Usually at first pregnancy, you will be treated as people who do not know anything. So that will be a lot of people who provide feedback or suggestions. That information can be confusing for you, for example: "if pregnant should not eat chili, baby will be cross-eyed". Well you know, what is the connection between chili and squint. Or "so that the baby's skin becomes white, lots of drinking soy milk". Now, if the father of her daughter ya nigger white if her mother can drink soy milk?

But no problem, just accept the advice that you get but do check with other sources, such as a gynecologist to make sure the truth of the info you get.

Also, get as much information as possible through various media so that you are more well informed, for example:
  • Magazines
  • Books
  • Mailing List
  • Internet
For best ebook about pregnant, i recommend you to read Pregnancy Miracle by Lisa Olson. she was pregnant and gave birth to a baby at age 43 yo, and her book pregnancy miracle is her secret how she did it.

3. Suggestion
Well, this is most important in my opinion. Some people get pregnant the "naughty", aka do not have any complaints, but some are all women experience a variety of complaints, ranging from prolonged nausea, headache, lethargy, and various others.

Any bad as conditions during pregnancy or at any convenient your first pregnancy, still face with joy. Say to yourself in the mirror every morning you wake up: "I'm pregnant and I'm happy". Your mind will help you deal with any discomfort during pregnancy.

Do not worry about your body swell and make you lose your confidence, keep in mind that you look more sexy with a belly bulge.

Finally, surrender to God, to anything that would happen.